Thursday, September 30, 2004

The Dumb Network >> Dumb Warnings >>

The dumbfuck's web site.

The Dumb Network >> Dumb Warnings >> Home

P2P analysis: Bit Torrent 53% of P2P traffic.

A study conducted by traffic management company CacheLogic points that of all P2P traffic:

* BitTorrent takes up 53%
* eDonkey2000, 24%
* FastTrack, 19%
* Gnutella, only 4%

P2P analysis: Bit Torrent 53% of P2P traffic - The Peer-to-Peer Weblog -

California company gives away 100 GByte email accounts

"And you thought Google's 1-GByte Gmail was big: Hellacious Riders, an online motorcycle magazine, announced that it launched a 100-GByte Email service to its users. The firm extended its offer with a challenge to THG readers for a 1000 GByte account."

Tom's Hardware Guide: Tom's Hard News

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Mel Brooks Writing Spaceballs Sequel??

Coming Soon! - Latest News

Top 10 Secrets They Don't Want You to Know About the Debates

Bush & Kerry demain. Un débat télévisé? Yhea, right....

NPR : Connie Rice: Top 10 Secrets They Don't Want You to Know About the Debates

Will guess what your choice in 20 quetions...

JF, te souviens de ça? Il y a déja qqs années.... Mais le IA est encore mieux!


Commodore 32 - Standalone Z-Machine

Programmers Wanted

Commodore 32 - Standalone Z-Machine

DUH: Dilbert Ultimate House - Virtual Tour

What do you get when thousands of Dilbert readers put their minds together and design a house?
Dilbert House - Virtual Tour

Clientcopia : Stupid Client Quotes

"There's no getting around it. At some point in your career, your patience will be tested with a stupid client who is so clueless that you'll question your sanity, career choice, and the future of mankind.

You may have dealt with one already, one that just stuns you like a deer in headlights. Dumbfounded to utter anything but an "uhhh…". Some clients have no concept of reality. They make up their mind, just to change it again to an even more hidious decision. And will end up blaming you for the mess. Can we honestly blame the client? Sure we can...

Clientcopia was created to give you an escape. Take joy in knowing you are not alone.

We all feel your pain..."

Clientcopia : Stupid Client Quotes

Monday, September 27, 2004

Xtreme Systems Forums - FX53@3600mhz... WR?

Well, les overclokeux ont travaillés fort ce week-end....

Xtreme Systems Forums - FX53@3600mhz... WR?

Dear one-browser Web designers: Don't say I didn't warn you

NewsForge | Dear one-browser Web designers: Don't say I didn't warn you - Games, Flash Cartoons, Funny Videos, Jokes, Humor, Prank Calls and more.

Preview: Ubuntu Linux 4.10

"The strangely named Ubuntu distribution of Debian Linux comes out of left field with this new version. You may be as surprised as we were by how user-friendly this distro turns out to be. And its inclusion of Gnome 2.8 was icing on the cake for us."

Preview: Ubuntu Linux 4.10

Sunday, September 26, 2004

The Official God FAQ

Celle-ci est pour notre Fafane national!!!

The Official God FAQ

Hackers use Google to access photocopiers.

On arrête pas le progrès....

Hackers use Google to access photocopiers - ZDNet UK News

Computer First Aid Using Knoppix

Migth be usefull. (Did'nt read it yet, but since we're using Knoppix....)

Computer First Aid Using Knoppix

Xtreme Systems Forums - The magic 'Six' (6GHz) has been broken

JF, this one is for you my friend!

Xtreme Systems Forums - The magic 'Six' (6GHz) has been broken

Big boss is watching.

Attention au prochain cellulaire que votre boss vous fourniras, il pourrait vous suivre via GPS....

Big boss is watching | CNET

Why I hate MICRO$OFT

"A personal, lengthy, but highly articulate outburst"

Why I hate Microsoft

IT bosses are storage addicts who can't stop themselves.

IT bosses are storage addicts who can't stop themselves | The Register

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Flash Game: REVERSI

Flash Game: REVERSI


Friday, September 24, 2004

We Did It!

2 Millions en 10 jours! FIREFOX Power!!!

Ten Days

Monday, September 20, 2004

Turncoat, Killer, Liar........THIEF!

A criminal with the protection of the law.....

Sur RDI au 19 avec VIDEOTRON dans la région de Montréal.

Le 21 et 22 Septembre.

Mardi 20 h
Grands Reportages
Le monde selon Bush (partie 1) - À l'approche des présidentielles américaines, Les Grands reportages présentent deux documents pamphlétaires sur les travers de l'administration Bush. Toutes les facettes du président actuel sont décortiquées dans leur contexte historique, politique, religieux et familial. Qui est ce fils de président ayant accédé à la tête du pays le plus puissant de la planète en 2000, suite à une campagne présidentielle controversée ? La parole est donnée aux journalistes, analystes, historiens, mais aussi à ceux qui ont approché le clan Bush : Hans Blix, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, David Kay.... Le reportage de ce soir dresse le tableau des hommes d'influence ultra-conservateurs qui, pour certains observateurs, tirent les ficelles de la Maison-Blanche et manipulent le très religieux George W. Bush.
Du lundi au vendredi.
Rediffusion à 1 h.

Mercredi 20 h
Grands Reportages
Le monde selon Bush (partie 2) - Alors que la campagne présidentielle américaine bat son plein, qui est George W. Bush, celui qui brigue sa ré-élection cette année ?
Des attentats du 11 septembre au chaos de l'après- guerre en Irak, en passant par la loi Patriot Act II, le reportage de ce soir dresse un portrait de la première puissance du monde, sous la présidence de George W. Bush. Des flèches acérées sont lancées contre la dynastie Bush qui a toujours su conjuguer actions politiques avec intérêts personnels. Ses rapports complaisants avec Saddam Hussein, les Ben Laden, et l'Arabie saoudite, sont aussi largement dénoncés.
Du lundi au vendredi.
Rediffusion à 1 h.

AK-47 creator launches vodka brand

My AK-47 is empty, give me a refill, on ice please. - Kalashnikov launches�liquid weapon - Sep 20, 2004

W O W !!!!

Microwave gun to be used by US troops on Iraq rioters.

Telegraph | News | Microwave gun to be used by US troops on Iraq rioters

Démo de DOOM 3.

Pour savoir si vous pouvez "rouller" DOOM 3, la démo est maintenant disponible.

3D Gamers - Download File d3demo.exe

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- Googlebar

AH! L'extension que j'avais besoin pour "switcher" pour de bon à FIREFOX!.

Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info: Googlebar

D-Link DCS-2100 security camera

D-Link DCS-2100 security camera

Site de D-Link

Newfound Comet Set for Winter Display

Peut-être que nous allons la voir en janvier avec des jumelles ou nos petits télescopes....

Newfound Comet Set for Winter Display


ROBOSAPIEN jouet [89$US @ Toy'R'us]:

Welcome to the Official Robosapien site

ROBOSAPIEN Modifié par les gars du NimbRo:

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Unforgotten Realms Bumperstickers

''I'm not cynical, everything just sucks.''

Unforgotten Realms Bumperstickers

Punk Legend Johnny Ramone Dead

Je crois qu'il n'en reste qu'un maintenant....

CBS News | Punk Legend Johnny Ramone Dead | September 16, 2004�00:33:37

Build-It: A Home Linux Server

Build-It: AHome Linux Server

Annan declares Iraq war illegal-

Je ne trouve aucune mention chez CNN concernant cette article. Bizarre....

SpeedTree: Trees of Pangaea Demo

Trees of Pangaea requires the recently released DirectX 9.0c

SpeedTree: Trees of Pangaea Demo

Phishing For Gmail Accounts

C'était une question de temps avand que cela arrive...

Phishing For Gmail Accounts

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Chaoscope > Home

Un mixte de Fractint, Ultra-Fractal et un peu de POV.

Chaoscope > Home

Ivan vu de l'ISS

WOW! Ivan photographié de l'International Space Station.

Above the Eye of Hurricane Ivan
Credit: Expedition 9 Crew, International Space Station, NASA
Explanation: Ninety percent of the houses on Grenada were damaged. Such is the destructive force of Hurricane Ivan, already one of the most powerful and destructive hurricanes on record. And the storm will likely make landfall in southern USA tomorrow. Ivan is the currently the third - and largest - hurricane set to strike the US this hurricane season. The swirling eye of Hurricane Ivan was photographed above from the orbiting International Space Station (ISS) on Saturday as the storm's sustained 200 kilometer per hour winds wrecked havoc in the Caribbean. The bad news is that hurricane season in the Atlantic typically lasts until November 30, still over two months away. The more immediate bad news is that tropical storm Jeanne is next in line coming across the mid-Atlantic Ocean and could pass Puerto Rico sometime today.

VisionTek Xtreme2 GO Drive

1GB Flash drive @ $100US!

[H]ard|OCP - VisionTek Xtreme2 GO Drive

Monday, September 13, 2004

Les sources étaient suspectes

«Ce qui me dérange, c'est que certains dans la communauté du renseignement savaient que les sources étaient suspectes et que je n'en ai pas eu connaissance»


Les sources étaient suspectes

Iran plans to end freeze on nukes enrichment

"Oil? Not as much as WMD!"

Iran plans to end freeze on nukes enrichment -

Powell: No WMD will ever be found in Iraq

Powell: "Hum, yhea, euh, we made a little mistake, we read IRAQ on the report, but it was written IRAN. You know, it's just one letter.... So now we will fix this little mistake.... Georges, is there any OIL there?"

Powell: No WMD will ever be found in Iraq -

Job advert hidden in Net virus

"It's not surprising," Cluley said. "Many times virus writers are just poor programmers." - Job advert hidden in Net virus - Sep 10, 2004

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Identify this Phenomenon

Explanation: What caused this ring of colors? At the time of this writing, MIT Physics Professor Walter Lewin had yet to find someone who can give the correct explanation. Not students. Not colleagues. Not APOD editors. He wonders how the astute readers of APOD will do. Can you match wits with Professor Lewin? Lewin took the above picture in a construction area in Massachusetts on June 20. Your answer should be able to explain the color sequence and the bright area in the center. Shortly after he gives the explanation on December 7 during a lecture in his course Vibrations and Waves at MIT, APOD will carry a link to it. A discussion page for this image will be held in the APOD Forum on the Asterisk*. Additionally, Professor Lewin will answer appropriate e-mail questions and guesses sent to

Zack de la Rocha et Tom Morello sur une compilation consacrée à FAHRENHEIT 9/11.

Oh Yhea!

Le Matinternet -- Zack de la Rocha et Tom Morello sur une compilation consacr�e � FAHRENHEIT 9/11 -- L'actualit� au moment o� vous la voulez -- 24h/24h -- --

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Great Quote

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former... : Albert Einstein

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Michael Moore veut faire concourir "Fahrenheit" pour l'Oscar du meilleur film

Is this the real face of MM? Is he just another fucking corporate whore? Time will tell, money wil tell...

Sympatico / MSN Divertissement : Nouvelles : Nouvelles Cinéma : Michael Moore veut faire concourir "Fahrenheit" pour l'Oscar du meilleur film

Microsoft calls out hackers

How to put yourself in deep shit....

Microsoft calls out hackers

Valve Demo Blackmesa HL2 PC Case

Following on from Piloux' superb HL2 Black Mesa project here, and it's pictorial articlehere, is Black Mesa 2 a fully commissioned project by Valve themselves who were so impressed with Piloux' original work they asked him to make them a demo version for their upcoming blockbuster. :: Valve Demo Blackmesa HL2 PC Pictorial Log

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

L'enfer kafkaïen de Guantanamo

In the name of FREEDOM? Well, FUCK YOU!

L'enfer kafkaien de Guantanamo

Monday, September 06, 2004